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Considering how easy it is to learn and how much money a ReactJs Front-end developer makes, ReactJs could easily steal the number one spot for the best Front-end Framework. Now an open-source framework, React was originally developed by Facebook’s team. Facebook was an emerging app and needed constant additions and improvements, making it hard to fix and maintain the coding part. React allowed them to make changes to the code easily. The unique thing about react is the Virtual Document Object Model (DOM) with exceptional functionality.


React is easy to learn and use. React allows you to reuse an already built component in your code. This way, it’s easier to collaborate and use these components in other parts of the application. Use of its virtual DOM allows a seamless performance and ensures that even high-load applications have fast rendering. Increased productivity and maintenance. New changes in the application can be easily made. It has a browser extension named React Developer Tools, which allows them to make detailed observations of their components and make them better.


In the initial phases of learning React, it can be difficult for the developers to understand the concepts of JSX. ReactJS is used for developing only the UI part of the application. Therefore, to get complete development tools, you will have to rely on other technologies. As the components can be easily updated at high speed, it isn’t easy to maintain proper documentation.


React is mostly used for developing single-page applications. However, it is a framework specifically used for User Interface development. It comes in quite handy when you require building an interactive interface for an application within a limited time because you can reuse the components in this framework.

When not to use

JSX is pretty tough when it comes to learning. Therefore, if you are a new developer, it’s recommended not to use React. Secondly, the knowledge of JavaScript is necessary for using React. In case you don’t know JavaScript, React is not the go-to option for you.